Conference “Beyond 2020: Supporting Europe’s Coastal Communities” – October 12-13, 2017, Tallinn (Estonia). Stakeholders from all across the EU will convene to discuss how the EMFF is helping to support the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and Maritime Policy in the current programming period (2014-2020). The event will also represent the opportunity to discuss the current and future challenges of coastal communities, as well as potential policy responses. It will take the form of plenary sessions and parallel workshops in which more than 70 selected speakers will encourage participants to contribute to the discussion. All stakeholders, including industry representatives, national and regional administrators, fisheries scientists, non-governmental organisations are encouraged to register early, knowing that participation is limited. (See more)
Autor: Ordem dos Biólogos
Assistant Scientist position
We would like to draw your attention to the following job posting for an Assistant Scientist:
The Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) of the University of Miami invites applicants for an Assistant Scientist position in Marine Biology and Fisheries. This position is situated at the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center Protected Resources and Biodiversity Division located in Miami, FL.
We seek an experienced and productive researcher to join our group and participate in a project to assess the abundance and spatial distribution of marine mammals along the Gulf of Mexico coasts. The SEFSC Marine Mammal Program conducts intensive data collection using aerial and large vessel surveys to obtain data on the seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of marine mammals and sea turtles. The incumbent will use this newly collected data and historical databases to develop seasonal spatially explicit habitat models for marine mammals to support environmental planning and impact assessments by a variety of agencies.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Marine Biology, Biology, Oceanography, Ecology, Statistics or other related fields along with at least 1 year of post-doctoral experience. The position requires experience with statistical analysis to investigate species-environment relationships, management of large datasets, and production of GIS products. Applicants with experience in conducting studies of marine mammal habitats and abundance are preferred.
Apply on line at: Curriculum Vitae and the contact information for 3 people who can provide letters of recommendation are required.
Postdoctoral position in oceanic islands – Chile
PhD Fellowship in Madrid (Spain) at the IEGD-CSIC
Edward W. Rose III Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards (
Applications for the multiple positions available in 2018 will be accepted until September 8, 2017 (See more)
Dia Nacional da Conservação da Natureza
DEP. de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro
Ano letivo de 2017-18
Nº de alunos a admitir na 7º edição do CFIC (curso integral): 15
1º fase: 3 julho a 21 agosto 2017
2º fase: 28 de agosto a 22 de setembro
Nova espécie de bactéria descrita por biólogos da UA homenageia Prof. António Correia
Planta comum na Ria apresenta comunidade de microrganismos inusitada. (ver mais)
Exposição Online “Rabiscos no ITQB”
A actividade “Rabiscos no ITQB”, organizada pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, teve o apoio do CiB – Centro de Informação de Biotecnologia e dos Foto&Sketchers 2 Linhas. (ver mais)
BYT – CIIMAR – programa de estágios renumerados
4ª Edição do programa BLUE YOUNG TALENT (BYT – CIIMAR) | Candidaturas até 20 de julho
Programa de estágios renumerados para alunos da UP em parceria com empresas. (ver mais)