Within the EU project MERLIN (https://project-merlin.eu/), we are soon conducting an online expert survey to assess the effects of restoration measures in freshwater ecosystems on biodiversity and ecosystem services. We finally aim to identify measures with multiple (co-)benefits in rivers, peatlands and other wetlands.
We are currently looking for experts to participate in the survey for the following ecosystems:
· Peatlands: All freshwater wetlands forming peat layers, such as bogs/ombrogenous mires, fens/ geogenous mires, soligenous mires, lithogenous fens and histosols.
· Other wetlands: Freshwater wetlands such as swamps, marshes, wet grasslands, forest wetlands and wet heaths. Excluded here are: Peatlands, floodplains, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, marine or brackish wetlands, estuaries or any artificial wetlands.
· Rivers: Small and large rivers and their floodplains.
Your expertise is greatly appreciated and will help to guide and shape the future of freshwater restoration efforts across Europe. By taking part in this survey, you’ll have the unique opportunity to connect and share knowledge within a freshwater expert community, while gaining insights into opinions on the impact of restoration measures.
If you are interested to be part of this survey and the MERLIN project, please reply to this email or to Celina.Weigelt@rub.de <mailto:Celina.Weigelt@rub.de> and let us know which of the three ecosystems you are an expert in.